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Zodiac Series-- #2 Aquarius

Yeah, it's been a little bit longer than I wanted in getting this post up.  But real life does not stick to a schedule not matter how hard I lecture it.  The Zodiac series, however, is still on schedule-sort of, kinda.

Next in line is the 11th sign of the Zodiac.  Aquarius is associated with the second month of the year.  Those born between January21st and February19th are Aquarius--insert the same caveat mentioned in Capricorn's posting.  As far as I can gather, Aquarius is know as variously as the "water bearer" or the "cup bearer."  Either way, it's
never made a whole lot of sense to me that Aquarius is often depicted spilling the very water she is meant to bear.  So I made sure my version of Aquarius isn't wasting any.

She was created in Illustrator.  If anyone is interested in any of the details of how Aquarius was drawn  (or colored), just write a comment.  If there is enough interest, I'll write a tutorial.  Or if you have any constructive criticism, feel free to leave a comment as well.  As always, I am open to honest critiques

Once again, thank you for looking at my post.  I already have the sketches for Pisces mostly complete, and I have a good start on Leo as well.  Aries, however, is being true to it's namesake and being a bit difficult.  I shall persevere, and I will not bow to defeat at the hands--or horns--of a hard headed astral ram.  I look forward to revealing how it all come out in the end.

Thank you for looking at my page.



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