You’ve drawn your own Hoppy Frog. You are now choosing to continue on to the digital coloring section. Before you continue you should download and install the Hoppy Frog Color Pallet that is also available on my resources page. Once you have the Pallet installed, let's begin. c1- Rear Legs Step 16 Select All of the Linework ( ctrl + A ) and copy it ( ctrl + C ) Now turn off the linework layer , and make the color layer active. On the color layer , place the copied linework in the same place ( ctrl +F ) Select Rear legs and apply Frog Gradient 1 . Using the Gradient Tool ( G ), rotate the gradient and change the radial shape to an ellipse using the handle shown highlighted with a red circle in the above image. Repeat this with the other rear leg. Be sure to turn off the stroke on both legs. c2- Body Step 17 • Select Body and apply Frog Gradient 3 . • Using the Gradient Tool ( G ) , change the radial shape to an ellipse using the handl...