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How to Draw a Perfect Heart in Illustrator in 3 Easy Steps


Tada!!!!!   Look at the these perfect little beauties.  They were achieve without once fiddling with a bezier curve or having to futz with the reflection tool

Admit it.  Everyone needs a heart at some point or other in our (ahem) creative lives, and the little buggers can be a bit of an inconvenient hassle if the goal is to achieve something remotely symmetrical.

Lucky you.  I have the answer to you cardiac conundrum--well sort of.  If you ignore the whole medical aspect of it all and go totally with the digital drawing dilemma of it all.  Yes, I have the digital drawing solution you didn't know you were seeking.

Would you like to know the secret to producing such pulmonary perfection?  Keep reading to find out.

  1. 1.Draw a small square. (Mine is 0.25
    in by 0.25 in)
  2. Now using the direct selection arrow (A), delete one of the
  3. Open the stroke pallette, and apply a round cap to the
    resulting stroke. (see below) Then increase the stroke
    width until you have the result you want.

 And there, you have it.  You’ve made an almost nearly perfect heart in 3 easy steps!!!!! Now, all you need
to do is expand the path and scale it to the size you need. If you’re really feeling adventurous, add a few effects . . . .

Feel free to let me know in the comments if this Quick Tip was helpful to you.

Also, you can download a PDF version of this quick tip from my resource page.

